Skagen rose - Rose alba 'Maxima'
Shrub rose 'Jacqueline du Pré'
Rosa Emily Brontë (Ausearnshaw)
English rose 'Boscobel' - (Auscousin)
Rose 'Brother Cadfael' - (Ausglobe)
Climbing rose 'Burgundy Rambler'
Rose moschata 'Ghislaine de Féligonde'
Climbing rose helenae 'Starkodder'
Climbing rose 'Our Last Summer'
Rosa 'Princess Alexandra of Kent'
Rose 'Queen Of Sweden' - (Austiger)
Rose 'Sir John Betjeman' - (Ausvivid)
Remember to plant the roses at a good depth in the garden. Our recommendation is to plant the roses with the grafting site 5-10cm in the ground. This ensures that all roses have a good wintering.