There are several different groups, e.g.
Asiatic Lilies: Crossbreeds where the flower can be pendulous, outward-facing or hanging. Colorful and both tall and short. The lilies are most often without fragrance.
Oriental Lilies: Up to 125 cm tall with large, spreading flowers, slightly curved petals and they can be either with or without spots. Blooms in the summer.
OT Lilies: a cross between oriental and trumpet lilies. Often very large.
Tiger Lilies: Crosses that include Lilium tigrinum. Dark stems and spots on the petals. Good for spreading.
Trumpet lilies: The flowers are trumpet-shaped and without spots. Up to 150 cm tall and strongly fragrant. Spreads by stem roots.
Martagon Lilies: Or turban lilies - The petals are strongly bent back, so the flower looks like a turban. Up to 150 cm tall and spreads with stem roots. We sell them in pots.
Plant the bulbs deep (20-25 cm) and preferably early in the spring. Even if there is a little frost, they will not be damaged. Lilies do not need to be dug up in winter. They only get better and stronger from being outside.