Ground cover roses are, as the name suggests, good for covering the ground, but we also have ground cover roses that can be beautiful alone or as small bushes in pots. Most are healthy and you can enjoy them for many years. If they are to cover the ground in the garden, they should be planted densely, but always with special consideration for the variety and its growth force. They generally do not grow that tall and most have self-cleaning flowers, so you do not have to mow so often. Those with overhanging growth, such as Viking, are great for hanging over the edge of a basin. Ground cover roses are good in the garden for low hedges or planting in groups and beds. We define ground cover roses as low roses, some of them are so hardy that they can grow with a view of the West Sea, if the soil is poor, you can add a little Rose Soil when planting. Ground cover roses bloom all summer, most start in late June - early July. Remember, they like a lot of fertilizer so that they bloom a lot and stay healthy.