Laubjerg Rose Garden Book
Close to the North Sea lies Laubjerg's Rose Garden, we also call it the Oasis Behind the Cliff.
In the middle of the very best beach holiday, the Danish summer weather can suddenly prove to be best suited for something completely different, a tourist attraction. If you are in West Jutland, the region is also rich in experiences other than water and beach.
Only 10-12 km from the North Sea, three km east of Ringkøbing lies Laubjerg's Rose Garden - a place from a completely different world. Here is a 10,000 square meter garden with at least 5,000 roses.
On a good day during the flowering season, a tour of the park can easily take a couple of hours; at least if you want to take a closer look at some of the roses and perhaps discuss both color, shape and favorites with your companions. Or take a closer look at the garden sculptures, or immerse yourself in the History Gardens, others bring a packed lunch and sit in the courtyard and enjoy the Moschata roses with the ground-covering roses in the foreground, or just sit by the No Muren and enjoy the view.
It's easy to become completely overwhelmed by the many impressions. Once you've smelled the best roses around, you can get pollen on your nose like fine ladies at the great English garden shows.
The rose garden, like any other garden, is never finished. Many guests come here several times during the season, some to follow the garden's development, others to see more of what they experienced on their last visit.
But every encounter with the rose garden is a new experience, because a garden is constantly evolving. The garden renews itself every single day. If you visit again after 14 days, some roses will bloom more than last time, others less. The hedges may have taken on a different green tone, the light is different, and you yourself are hardly the same. These are the experiences we have created the framework for. In addition, the garden is renewed year after year with modern beds, where today we combine roses with other plants, especially perennials. At the same time, new roses are added every year, so the garden is a collection of roses that you can also enjoy at home in your garden.
That way, a day that falls outside the program - may turn out to be the very best - inside the Oasis Behind the Cliff.