Lavender is one of the most popular perennials. Lavenders are good to plant in pots or as group plantings in the garden. Lavenders such as Lavendula ang. ´Mundstead´, Lavendula ang. ´Hidcote Blue´ and Lavendula ang. ´Intense Purple´ produce many flowers all summer.
Lavender attracts butterflies and insects in the garden, it is the strong lavender scent that attracts them. Lavender can be used for drying alone or together with roses. In fact, the lavender blue color is perfect for all roses. Lavender likes to be planted in warm soil that is well drained, there must not be standing water or be too moist near the plant in winter, they do not like that. When lavender is planted in a good sunny place, they look their best.
Lavender care is important, in the garden we cut the lavender plant down every spring. It is a good idea to cut the plant back every year. When it is cut back in the young branches every year, your lavender will grow more densely.
If you let a lavender plant grow for several years before cutting it back, the old branches will be too strong and the lavender plant will not shoot properly again.
We always have Lavendula in stock in several sizes, Hidcote blue is the most used variety. Lavendula Essence purple is a newer variety that has slightly better flowering and almost the same color as Hidcote blue.