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At Laubjergs Planteskole we are specialists in plants.
This is something that can be physically experienced in our nursery and in the Rose Garden there are more than 5000 roses, lots of perennials, beautiful hedges and much more. The nursery, Rose Garden and orchard are located at Borkvej 18, No 6950 Ringkøbing, only 10 km from the North Sea, we also call the Rose Garden the Oasis behind the Dune. In the nursery you will find a large selection of more than 500 different roses, we are specialists in making plants of good quality and with good roots. Our roses are always in minimum 5.5 liter pots. Our Paeon selection is unmatched with more than 100 varieties. Perennials are wonderful and when you come to our nursery you can always get help putting together your perennial bed. In the nursery you will find a wide selection of hedge plants for both the villa garden and the summer house plot. Our experience with fruit bushes and fruit trees is extensive, as we have a 7 ha apple orchard, a 2 ha walnut orchard with 17 different grafted varieties, hazelnuts, elderberries and for 35 years we have had half a ha. with large-fruited blueberries. This is reflected in the nursery, where we have a large selection of berry bushes and fruit trees. We look forward to seeing you in Laubjergs nursery