Laying potatoes are an important thing in the kitchen garden, the early potatoes are something many dream of. We recommend that you have several different potato tubers. Some early potato varieties - some mid-season - some salad varieties or asparagus potatoes, they stay firm - and don't forget the mid-season special varieties such as Royal which is the absolute best for potato boats, mash and Pomme Frites. The potatoes will be a greater success when you have many different ones. The potatoes are a surefire when serving red or blue mash or potato boats for children's birthdays or for adults who need color at the meal.
Seed potatoes are germinated in February-March in a bright place. 10-15°C is a good temperature. Potato tubers are placed in a flat box with a little soil/sphagnum. The moisture from the soil helps keep the potatoes fresh. You can also use empty egg trays.
Years are rarely the same, so it is the temperature of the soil that determines when you can plant the pre-germinated potatoes. If you want to jump start the season, you can cover the soil with clear plastic. The plastic helps retain heat in early spring.
You can also put potatoes in large pots and let them get extra heat in the greenhouse. Remember to put each potato in the bottom 1/3 of the pot.
The early seed potatoes are planted at the end of March. The medium-early seed potatoes and late seed potatoes can easily be planted during the month of April. Place the potatoes 10 cm deep with the sprouts upwards. Place them 30 cm apart and about 50 cm between the potato rows.
When potatoes sprout in the ground, you mound soil around them so that the new potatoes don't get light and turn green. This is done several times.
The new season for seed potatoes starts at the end of January 2021. But you can pre-order now.