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Onion seeds - Shallot - Zebrune
Onion seeds - Stuttgarter Riesen
Onion seeds - Zittauer yellow
Lieutenant's Heart - Dicentra Spectabilis 'Alba' 1L
Leaf and bird net 2 x 3 m
Leaf and bird net 4 x 6 m
Leaf and bird net 6 x 10 m
Leaf and bird net 6 x 6 m
Snapdragon - Giant Mixture
Lion's Mouth - Zwerg-Wunderteppich
Snapdragon seeds - mix - Joy
Snapdragon frog - Elegant
Snapdragon seeds - Winner
Snapdragon Night & Day
Leaf cuttings - Maggikraut
Leaf cuttings - Organic - SperliBIO Liebstæckel
Leaf cuttings seeds
My Daughter Sara

Rosa Machera

269,00 kr
magic microgreen leaf green
Magnolia 'George Henry Kern' C10 60-80 CM
Magnolia 'Susan'

Magnolia 'Susan'

1.200,00 kr
Magnolia 'Susan' 80/100cm
Magnolia 'Susan' C7,5 60/+ CM
Magnolia 'Yellow Bird'
Magnolia sieboldii
Magnolia soulangeana 100/125cm
Turnip Snowball - Sperli