When you are looking for the best apple tree for your garden, taste is of course important. But it is also important to think about when you will eat the apple in the garden. Discovery is an early summer apple that ripens in early September. Red Aroma ripens later in late September, it gives large red apples with good taste. Elstar is an apple tree that many people know, a very real bearing tree that ripens in mid-October, all the apples are green with a red cheek.
Apple trees are not self-pollinating, so you need to have two different varieties of apples in your garden to get the best pollination. If you live in the city where your garden is close to others who have apple trees, pollination is almost always successful.
We produce cold-pressed apple juice from 16 different apple varieties and always from fresh hand-picked apples. Here you will be able to taste the individual variety even outside the picking season. So if you don't know which apple tree you want, it is an opportunity to taste several different apples in our apple juice. Elstar, red aroma, Discovery are some of our favorites.