Hurtig levering. Bestil inden kl 13

Crocus Dorothy 5/+ (x12x15) *625025*
Crocus Jeanne d'Arc 9/10
Crocus King of The Striped 9/10
Crocus Mixed 9/10
Crocus Remembrance 9/10
Crocus Yellow 9/10
Crocus Yellow 9/10 (x12x10) *625254*
Cryptomeria j. 'Green Pearl' c2.5
Curcubita pepo, Squash
Cytisus 'Boskoop Ruby' 6,5 L
Cytisus other 14cm
Cytisus praecox 'Allgold' C 4 45-
Daglilje - Hemerocallis Citrina
Dahlia  Natal - Mini pompom
Dahlia 'Admiral Rawlings'
Dahlia 'Bantling Ball', Mini pompon
Dahlia 'Beauty Queen'
Dahlia 'Berner Oberland Decorative'